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Research Statement
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Cesareo, L. (2016). Counterfeiting and piracy. A comprehensive literature review. Springer Briefs in Business. Springer. ISBN: 978-3-319-25356-5. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-25357-2.  
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
  1. Cesareo, L. & Bellezza, S. (2025). “Knowledge, Morality, and the Appeal of Counterfeit Luxury Goods,” Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 10 (1). 

  2. Cesareo, L., Townsend, C., & Pavlov, E. (2022) "Hideous but Worth It: Distinctive Ugliness as a Signal of Luxury." Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 51, 636-657. 

  3. Vernuccio, M., Cesareo, L., Pastore, A., & Kitchen, P. (2022) “Managerial and Organizational Perspectives on Online-Offline Integration within Integrated Marketing Communication: Toward a Holistic Conceptual Framework.” International Journal of Advertising, 41(3), 519-540.

  4. Chaudhry, P.E., Cesareo, L., & Pastore, A. (2019). "Resolving the Jeopardies of Consumer Demand: Revisiting Demarketing Concepts," Business Horizons, 62 (5), 663-677.

  5. Robertson, T.S., Gatignon, H., & Cesareo, L. (2018). "Pop-ups, Ephemerality, and Consumer Experience: The Centrality of Buzz," Journal of the Association of Consumer Research – Special Issue on Consumer Response to the Evolving Retailing Landscape, 3(3), 425-439.

  6. Chaudhry, P.E. & Cesareo, L. (2017). "Fake and Pirated: Do Consumers Care?", Journal of Business Strategy, 38(6), 11-19.

  7. Pastore, A., Cesaroni, F. & Cesareo, L. (2016). Counterfeiting and Culture: Consumer Attitudes towards Counterfeit Products. Journal of Marketing Trends, 3(1), 29-36. ISSN: 2114-8910.

  8. Giraldi, A. & Cesareo, L. (2016). Film marketing opportunities for the well-known tourist destination:  An exploratory analysis on the city of Rome. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy Special Issue: "The Great Beauty. The role of cultural heritage and place identity in the international marketing strategies of the ‘Made in Italy’". ISSN: 1751-8040

  9. Cesareo, L. & Stöttinger, B. (2015). United we stand, divided we fall: how firms can engage consumers in their fight against counterfeits. Business Horizons, 58, 527-537. DOI: 10.1016/j.bushor.2015.05.007

  10. Shaanan–Satchi, R., Hornik, J., Cesareo, L., & Pastore A. (2015). Information dissemination via electronic word-of-mouth: Good news travels fast, bad news travels faster! Computers in Human Behavior, 45, 273-280. ISSN: 0747-5632. DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2014.11.008.

  11. Cesareo, L., Pastore, A. & Ugolini, G. (2015). Pirate or Subscriber? An exploratory study on Italian consumers’ music habits. Sinergie Journal of Management, 96(33), 155-173.

  12. Cesareo, L., & Pastore, A. (2014).  Consumers’ attitude and behavior towards online music piracy and subscription-based services. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 31(6/7), 515-525. DOI: 10.118/JCM-07-2014-1070.

  13. Chaudhry, P.E., Cesareo, L. & Stumpf, S.A. (2014). What influences rampant movie piracy? Journal of Management Systems, 24(4), 73-95. ISSN: 1041-2808.

  14. Giraldi, A. & Cesareo, L. (2014). Destination image differences between first time visitors and repeat visitors: an exploratory study on the city of Rome. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 14(4), 197-205. DOI: 10.1177/1467358414543971. ISSN: 1467-3584.

  15. Pastore, A. & Cesareo, L. (2014). No al falso! Un’indagine esplorativa sulle strategie anti-contraffazione delle fashion firms. Mercati & Competitività, 2, 81-102. DOI: 10.3280/MC2014-002005. ISSN: 1826-7386.

Book Chapters
  1. Cesareo, L., Pastore, A. & Williams, P. (2017) Counterfeiting in the luxury goods sector, in Chaudhry, P.E. Handbook of Research in Counterfeiting and Illicit Trade. Edward-Edgar Publishing. Forthcoming.

  2. Stöttinger, B., Penz, E. & Cesareo, L. (2017) Analysis of anti-counterfeiting tactics to diffuse consumer demand, in Chaudhry, P.E. Handbook of Research in Counterfeiting and Illicit Trade. Edward-Edgar Publishing. Forthcoming.

  3. Pastore, A. & Cesareo, L. (2015). Fashion firms and counterfeiting: causes and actions, in Strangio, D. & Sancetta, G. (Eds). Italy in a European Context: Research in Business, Economics, and the Environment. 105-123. Palgrave-MacMillan. ISBN: 978-11-37560-76-6.

  4. Pastore, A., & Cesareo, L. (2014).  Il fenomeno della contraffazione nella prospettiva del management. Verso un sistema per la brand protection, in Cagiano de Azevedo, R., Cecchi, C., Magistro, A., Milanetti, G., Sancetta, G. & Strangio, D. (Eds). Oltre i confini. Studi in onore di Giuseppe Burgio. 117-137. Roma: Sapienza universitaria editrice. ISBN: 978-88-98533-44-2. DOI: 10.13133/978-88-98533-44-2.

  5. Cesareo, L. & Pastore, A. (2014). Acting on luxury counterfeiting, in Reinecke, S., Berghaus, B. & Mueller-Stewens, G. (Eds). The Management of Luxury. 341-359. Kogan Page USA. ISBN: 978-07-494-7166-8.

  6. Gatti, M. & Cesareo, L. (2012). Market-driven management and corporate culture: Competitiveness and innovation, in Brondoni, S.M. (Ed). Market-Driven Management and Corporate Growth. 73-91. Impresa Economia Comunicazione, Collection Edition, Giappichelli, Torino. ISBN/EAN 978-88-348-3876-1.

Working Papers
Cesareo, L. & Bellezza, S. "When is Imitation Flattering? Knowledge and Consumers' Reactions to Counterfeits."

Cesareo, L. & Patrick-Raglan, V.M. "Sustaining Excellence: Why Embedded (vs. Peripheral) Sustainability Works for Luxury Brands."

Cesareo, L., Williams, P., & Meyer, R. "Can You Spot the Fake? Visual Cues and Suspicion in Luxury Counterfeiting."

Cesareo, L., Gistri, G., Amatulli, C., & Romani, S. “Luxury Consumption and Counterfeiting: An Investigation on Motivations and Behaviors of Concurrent Owners.”

© 2025 by Ludovica Cesareo

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